Upper Extremity Injury

Upper Extremity Injury Q & A

What is an upper extremity injury?

An upper extremity injury includes any injury that involves the hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder. The experienced team at Town Center Orthopaedics includes physicians that evaluate and treat a wide array of disorders that affect the upper extremities, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
  • Tennis elbow
  • Tendonitis
  • Fractures of the hand or wrist
  • Biceps tendon tear
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Shoulder instability

Orthopaedic subspecialization of upper extremity injuries has become an integral factor in maximizing functional outcomes.

Seeking the specialists at Town Center Orthopaedics ensures you get the best possible care for a full recovery.

How is an upper extremity injury diagnosed?

The orthopaedic experts at Town Center Orthopaedics conduct comprehensive evaluations to diagnose an upper extremity injury.

During the exam, your provider asks detailed questions about your injury, including how it happened, the type of symptoms you experience, and the activities that worsen your symptoms.

Your provider then examines your upper extremity and may request diagnostic testing to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Town Center Orthopaedics is a full-service orthopaedic practice and performs X-rays in-house.

How is an upper extremity injury treated?

Your orthopaedic expert at Town Center Orthopaedics develops personalized treatment plans for your upper extremity injury based on the type of injury you have, the underlying cause, the severity of your injury, and your usual activities.

When possible, the team at Town Center Orthopaedics takes a conservative approach to care and your treatment plan may include:

  • Activity modification
  • Over-the-counter pain medication
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Prolotherapy
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Clarix® Flo regenerative medicine injection therapy
  • Bracing or splinting

The expert team also performs surgical procedures when needed, including minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures that involve the use of an arthroscope to help guide the procedure to minimize incision size, recovery time, and post-surgical pain.

When surgical intervention is needed, the team recommends physical therapy following surgery to help restore function and mobility to the affected upper extremity injury.

To schedule an evaluation to discuss your upper extremity treatment options, call Town Center Orthopaedics, or request an appointment through the online booking tool today.

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