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Your menisci are C-shaped cartilage discs between the two main bones of your knee, at the end of your thigh bone and the top of your shin bone. There are two menisci. One is on the inner side of your knee, and the other is on the outer part of your knee.
Together, the menisci serve to take impacts and stabilize the joint. This protection helps minimize wear of the cartilage that lines the ends of your knee bones. The menisci also help fill other roles that assist in normal knee function and health. Wear or traumatic injuries to the knee can cause damage to this cartilage, which is known as a meniscal tear.
As we age, particularly when knee arthritis is present, degenerative meniscal tears can develop. These are tears that slowly develop from regular use over time. A common degenerative tear is a horizontal meniscal tear or a cleavage tear, which is often seen in older patients. Degenerative tears differ from traumatic meniscal tears, which occur abruptly from a single event.
Traumatic tears are known as acute meniscal tears. These are seen most often in sports and may be caused by squatting, twisting, or quickly changing direction while running. Acute meniscal tears commonly result alongside more significant knee injuries like ACL tears. Tears also frequently occur from a combination of trauma and degeneration. These meniscal tears often arise from subtle, perhaps imperceivable trauma in a somewhat already degenerated meniscus.
Degenerative meniscal tears sometimes do not have any symptoms. Traumatic tears, on the other hand, are frequently symptomatic. A major symptom of a traumatic meniscal tear is intense pain deep in your knee or locally on one side. The pain often increases with activities that require twisting or squatting. Swelling in the knee is also often present.
This swelling may lead to stiffness and pain in the back or front of the knee. Mechanical symptoms can sometimes be present as well. This category of symptoms can include clicking, catching, and sometimes even locking, in which the knee can get stuck in a bent position.
Due to the distinctive symptoms, the doctors at Town Center Orthopaedics can frequently diagnose meniscal tears after an examination in the office. Your physician will often obtain X-rays to rule out arthritis and other knee issues that share similar symptoms to meniscal tears. An MRI of your knee is sometimes needed as well. If so, our staff will help arrange for you to get an MRI.
Different treatments are appropriate depending on the type of tear you have, how much it affects you, and your needs and goals. Depending on the tear type and your symptoms, nonoperative treatment, including medications and physical therapy, may be all that is needed. If so, our excellent physical therapists will help you feel better.
In other cases, your tear may require surgery. In these cases, you and your surgeon will discuss the appropriate surgery. Two options exist: removing the torn piece (meniscectomy) or a meniscal repair. During a repair, your surgeon uses small strings (sutures) to tie the torn pieces together or to the adjacent tissue. Your particular meniscal tear characteristics, along with your age, activity level, and other associated knee issues, will help determine which surgery is best for you. Most surgery can be performed through minimally invasive arthroscopy on an outpatient basis.
In this arthroscopic knee surgery video, Dr. Jeffrey Berg points out the difference between a torn meniscus and a normal lateral meniscus and demonstrates how the actual surgical procedure saucerizes and repairs the meniscal tear.
No matter the surgery needed, our skilled knee surgeons are proficient in the latest and most effective techniques. You will often require physical therapy after surgery, so our surgeons and physical therapists will work together to get you and your knee feeling great again.
If you think you have a meniscal tear, don’t wait to get the care you need. To schedule your meniscus tear consultation, call Town Center Orthopaedics or request an appointment online today.
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